Antecedents are physical and cognitive alterations observed in people prior to the onset of schizophrenia, usually in childhood and adolescence, and may be early indicators of illness progression. They may include motor and cognitive dysfunction, speech and hearing impairments, behavioural problems and psychopathology such as anxiety, delusions and hallucinations. Click on the tabs below to access the information, or browse via the drop-down menu on the left.
Image: ©rf –

Autonomic nervous system anomalies
We have not found any systematic reviews on this topic that meet the Schizophrenia Library’s inclusion criteria. Pending enough primary studies, we invite reviews on this topic to be conducted. Alternatively we will endeavour to conduct our own review to fill this gap in the Library. March 2022 Image: © –

Behavioural disturbances and psychopathology
What are antecedents of schizophrenia? Antecedents such as behavioural disturbances and psychopathology are subtle deviations in development that may become evident during childhood or adolescence. The presence of these deviations may foreshadow the later development of schizophrenia, however most children who exhibit these antecedents do not develop the disorder. Studies exploring antecedents are ideally based on representative, population-based samples that follow the group from birth through childhood and adolescence to adulthood. These studies can provide unique insights into the changes in developmental trajectories that may be associated with schizophrenia. What is the evidence for behavioural disturbances and psychopathology as antecedents…

Dermatoglyphic anomalies
We have not found any systematic reviews on this topic that meet the inclusion criteria. Pending enough primary studies, we invite reviews on this topic to be conducted. Alternatively we will endeavour to conduct our own review to fill this gap in the Library. March 2022 Image: ©peopleimages –

Eye tracking anomalies
We have not found any systematic reviews on this topic that meet the Schizophrenia Library’s inclusion criteria. Pending enough primary studies, we invite reviews on this topic to be conducted. Alternatively, we will endeavour to conduct our own review to fill this gap in the Library. March 2022 Image: ©Foto-Ruhrgebiet – Fotolia –

Face emotion processing anomalies
We have not found any systematic reviews on this topic that meet the Schizophrenia Library’s inclusion criteria. Pending enough primary studies, we invite reviews on this topic to be conducted. Alternatively, we will endeavour to conduct our own review to fill this gap in the Library. March 2022 Image: ©freshidea –

Height and body mass index
What are antecedents of schizophrenia? Antecedents such as abnormal height and BMI are subtle deviations in development that may become evident during childhood or adolescence. The presence of these deviations may foreshadow the later development of schizophrenia, however most children who exhibit these antecedents do not develop the disorder. Studies exploring antecedents are ideally based on representative, population-based samples that follow the group from birth through childhood and adolescence to adulthood. These studies can provide unique insights into the changes in developmental trajectories that may be associated with schizophrenia. What is the evidence for height and BMI as antecedents of…

IQ and academic performance
What are antecedents of schizophrenia? Antecedents are subtle deviations in development that may become evident during childhood or adolescence. The presence of these deviations may foreshadow the later development of schizophrenia, however most children who exhibit these antecedents do not develop the disorder. Studies exploring antecedents are ideally based on representative, population-based samples that follow the group from birth through childhood and adolescence to adulthood. These studies can provide unique insights into the changes in developmental trajectories that may be associated with schizophrenia. What is the evidence for IQ and academic performance as antecedents for schizophrenia? Moderate to high quality…

Minor physical anomalies
We have not found any systematic reviews on this topic that meet the inclusion criteria. Pending enough primary studies, we invite reviews on this topic to be conducted. Alternatively we will endeavour to conduct our own review to fill this gap in the Library. March 2022 Image: ©sdecoret –

Motor dysfunction
What are antecedents of schizophrenia? Antecedents such as motor dysfunction are subtle deviations in development that may become evident during childhood or adolescence. The presence of these deviations may foreshadow the later development of schizophrenia, however most children who exhibit these antecedents do not develop the disorder. Studies exploring antecedents are ideally based on representative, population-based samples that follow the group from birth through childhood and adolescence to adulthood. These studies can provide unique insights into the changes in developmental trajectories that may be associated with schizophrenia. What is the evidence for motor dysfunction as an antecedent of schizophrenia? High…

Olfactory identification deficits
We have not found any systematic reviews on this topic that meet the Schizophrenia Library’s inclusion criteria. Pending enough primary studies, we invite reviews on this topic to be conducted. Alternatively, we will endeavour to conduct our own review to fill this gap in the Library. March 2022 Image: ©hhelene –

Sleep disturbance
We have not found any systematic reviews on this topic that meet the Schizophrenia Library’s inclusion criteria. Pending enough primary studies, we invite reviews on this topic to be conducted. Alternatively we will endeavour to conduct our own review to fill this gap in the Library. March 2022 Image; ©dalaprod –

Speech and hearing deficits
What are antecedents of schizophrenia? Antecedents such as speech and hearing problems are subtle deviations in development that may become evident during childhood or adolescence. The presence of these deviations may foreshadow the later development of schizophrenia, however most children who exhibit these antecedents do not develop the disorder. Studies exploring antecedents are ideally based on representative, population-based samples that follow the group from birth through childhood and adolescence to adulthood. These studies can provide unique insights into the changes in developmental trajectories that may be associated with schizophrenia. What is the evidence for speech and hearing deficits as antecedents…

Stress responsivity anomalies
We have not found any systematic reviews on this topic that meet the Schizophrenia Library’s inclusion criteria. Pending enough primary studies, we invite reviews on this topic to be conducted. Alternatively we will endeavour to conduct our own review to fill this gap in the Library. March 2022 Image: ©Brian Jackson – Fotolia –
Green - Topic summary is available.
Orange - Topic summary is being compiled.
Red - Topic summary has no current systematic review available.