Topics tagged with "Anxiety"

Anxiety disorders

What are anxiety disorders in PTSD? Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterised by excessive fear or worrying. Anxiety disorders include generalised anxiety disorder, which is characterised by continuous and excessive worrying for six months or more. Specific phobias are characterised by anxiety provoked by a feared object/situation, resulting in avoidance. Social phobia is anxiety provoked by social or performance situations. Agoraphobia is anxiety about situations where escape may be difficult or help might not be available. Panic disorder is characterised by a panic attack, which is a distinct episode where a person experiences sudden apprehension and fearfulness…


How are anxiety symptoms related to PTSD? Many people with PTSD experience worrying, fear, and sleep problems. These may disrupt daily functioning, but may not meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder. They may be associated directly with the trauma itself, such as being diagnosed with a physical illness or being exposed to forced displacement or war. They may also be aggravated by other, core symptoms of PTSD, including emotional distress, physical reactivity after exposure to reminders, and upsetting memories, nightmares, and flashbacks. This topic concentrates on the presence and severity of subclinical anxiety symptoms in people with PTSD. Please also see…

Anxiety disorders

What are anxiety disorders in bipolar disorder? Comorbid anxiety disorders are common in people with bipolar disorder. Generalised anxiety disorder is characterised by continuous and excessive worrying for six months or more. Specific phobias are characterised by anxiety provoked by a feared object or situation, resulting in avoidance. Social phobia is anxiety provoked by social or performance situations. Agoraphobia is anxiety about situations where escape may be difficult or where help might not be available. Panic disorder is characterised by a panic attack, which is a distinct episode where a person experiences sudden apprehension and fearfulness, and may experience shortness…

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