Topics tagged with "General cognition"

IQ and global cognition

What is IQ and global cognition in schizophrenia?  Intelligence quotient (IQ) is derived from standardised tests used to measure general cognitive functioning. IQ is most commonly measured using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). The WAIS is designed to measure all aspects of cognitive functioning, and is divided into subtests measuring verbal IQ (verbal comprehension and working memory) and non-verbal IQ (perceptual organisation and processing speed). Other tests used to assess IQ include the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), which assesses cognitive impairment; the National Adult Reading Test (NART), which assesses premorbid intelligence; the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT), which assesses…

IQ and academic performance

What are antecedents of schizophrenia? Antecedents are subtle deviations in development that may become evident during childhood or adolescence. The presence of these deviations may foreshadow the later development of schizophrenia, however most children who exhibit these antecedents do not develop the disorder. Studies exploring antecedents are ideally based on representative, population-based samples that follow the group from birth through childhood and adolescence to adulthood. These studies can provide unique insights into the changes in developmental trajectories that may be associated with schizophrenia. What is the evidence for IQ and academic performance as antecedents for schizophrenia? Moderate to high quality…

Cognition in first-degree relatives

How is cognition in families related to schizophrenia?  Cognitive deficits have been reported in people with schizophrenia. Deficits in memory, attention and executive functioning are most commonly reported, with lesser degree of dysfunction in perceptual and language processes. Cognitive deficits are present early in the course of the disorder and are stable over time, and may be heritable. First-degree relatives of people with schizophrenia may show attenuated signs of cognitive deficits. If cognitive deficits found in people with schizophrenia are also found in their relatives, this may be suggestive of the underlying genetic basis. This is particularly informative in disorders…

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