Topics tagged with "Outpatient care"

Peer support
What is peer support? Peer support involves providing support or services to people with mental health problems by other people who have experienced mental health problems. Peer support may promote confidence and hope through sharing experiences and modelling recovery and coping strategies. The potential for recipients of peer support to provide reciprocal support may also be empowering and of therapeutic value. What is the evidence for peer support? With unidirectional peer support, moderate to low quality evidence suggests a small effect of improved recovery and hope at the end of treatment and at follow-up, and improved depression and anxiety, quality…

User-held records
What are user-held records? User-held information is where the patient holds information about their care. Providing people with information about their care increases feelings of involvement in treatment, and should increase satisfaction and participation with services, ensure early treatment and prevent hospital admission. Some research suggests that while many people decline the offer of a user-held record, the majority of those who carry their records report this to be useful. What is the evidence for user-held records? Moderate to high quality evidence finds no benefit of user-held records over standard care for a reduction in hospital readmissions. September 2020

Inpatient and outpatient care
What is inpatient and outpatient care? Treatment that is provided to patients in a home environment, community or outpatient mental health facility are more commonly provided for patients in chronic or stable phases of the disorder. Treatments are integrated as part of a comprehensive program in conjunction with ongoing medication. Patients in a more acute phase of illness are usually treated through psychiatric inpatient hospital services. What is the evidence for inpatient care and outpatient care? Moderate to low quality evidence finds improved overall symptoms and social adjustment with home-based crisis intervention by 20 months, more social behaviour, less agitation…

Supported housing
What is supported housing? Support housing services may include group homes, hostels, therapeutic communities, or supported independent tenancies, and incorporate availability of outreach care workers who visit or who are located on-site. These programs are designed to support people with severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia living in the community, who are not living with family or in residential care, in order to increase independence, quality of life, and achieve greater social and community functioning. What is the evidence for supported housing programs? Low quality evidence is unclear as to the benefit of supported housing for improving outcomes for people…

Home-based care
What is home-based care? For people with schizophrenia, there are many options for receiving treatment. For patients in chronic or stable phases of the illness, some interventions and treatments can be provided in a home environment. These types of interventions are integrated as part of a comprehensive treatment program in conjunction with ongoing medication. What is the evidence for home-based care? Moderate to low quality evidence finds improved overall symptoms and social adjustment by 20 months (but not 12 months), more sociable behavior and less agitation and disorientation by 4-6 months, less family burden and disruption by 3 months (but…

Day centres and day hospitals
What are day centres? Day treatment programs and day hospitals are medically focused community-based units, often described as an intermediary between inpatient and outpatient hospital care. This type of program provides a more engaged, integrated treatment service than traditional outpatient units and incorporate diagnostic, medical/psychiatric, psychosocial, and prevocational treatment services. What is the evidence for day centre programs? Moderate to low quality evidence suggests there may be a longer duration of treatment in day hospitals compared to inpatient care. There appears to be no benefit of day hospitals over outpatient care for reducing hospital readmissions. Low quality evidence is unable…

Community care
What is community care? Community care refers to community-based interventions that involve medication, psychosocial treatments, monitoring of clinical progress, and housing and supportive services. These programs encourage patients to establish meaningful relationships, occupations and activities, while also establishing routines at home. Community treatment may also involve involuntary outpatient commitment (compulsory community treatment) to ensure patients receive their necessary treatment. What is the evidence for community care for people with schizophrenia? Moderate to low quality evidence suggests community care provides some benefit for medication adherence. There were no differences between compulsory and voluntary community care in the number of hospital readmissions, the number of hospital bed…
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